Homework #4: Barnard Star As done in previous homeworks, use the python GetFit app to download these files: BarnardStar141027-L.fit BarnardStar141025-L.fit BarnardStar140705-L.fit BarnardStar140410-L.fit BarnardStar130906-L.fit BarnardStar130606-L.fit BarnardStar120621-L.fit from this website: https://vanderbei.princeton.edu/fits_files/BarnardStar Problem 1: Use the StackImages app to align/stack those seven Barnards star images using the "click on 2 stars" alignment method and for the "Stacking Method" select "Average". When you click on "Align/Stack/Show" a window will pop up showing the first fits file. Visually focus on a star not too close to the center and not too close the the edge (and definitely not Barnards star). Move the mouse over that star and click on it. The second image will pop up. Find the same star, and click on it. The third image will pop up. Do the same. This will repeat through all seven images. For each of these first seven clicks, the label at the top of the image says "Click on 1st star". After the seventh image, the first image will reappear in the window and the label will change to "Click on 2nd star". Now, visually identify a star kind of far from the star you were clicking on before and repeat this clicking process using this other "2nd" star. After you've clicked on the 2nd star for each of the seven images, the aligning/stacking will take place. The stacked image will appear in a new window called "Figure 1". Play with the slider bars to make the image look nice/realistic and then click on the "Save" button. Close the StackImages app. Problem 2: Reopen the StackImages app and repeat the process you did above with the following small change... Instead of using "Average" for the "Stacking Method", use the default setting "Outliers Removed". And, before hitting the "Save" button, be sure to change the "File name" to a different name. How does it look different from what you saw before? Problem 3: Reopen the StackImages app and repeat the process you did in Problem 1 with the following small change... Instead of using "click on 2 stars" for the alignment method, use the setting "click on 1 star". And, again, before hitting the "Save" button, be sure to change the "File name" to a different name. How does it look different from what you saw before? Problem 4: Reopen the StackImages app and repeat the process you did in Problem 1 with the following small change... Instead of using "click on 2 stars" for the alignment method, use the "2 stars" option. And, again, before hitting the "Save" button, be sure to change the "File name" to a different name. How does it look different from what you saw before? Prepare a document, such as a Word document or a pdf file, that contains the four saved images and your responses to the questions.