Network Simplex Pivot Challenge

Seed: , Nodes:     Number of Probs:    



  Problem number:   Total pivots:   Time:



Node edits:

Arc edits:
  Shipping Cost:


This app will present a set of min-cost network-flow problems for you to solve. You're job is to solve each problem (either by finding an optimal solution or demonstrating that the problem is infeasible or unbounded). After correctly solving a problem, the app will immediately give you a new one. After you have solved all the problems in the set, take a screenshot to record your completion of the set of problems.

There are two Modes. You can select either 2-Phase or Self-Dual. The choice of mode simply affects how Artificial flows and slacks are displayed on the graph. It doesn't change any underlying numerical aspects of the algorithm.

Note: If some of the randomly generated nodes are positioned in such a way that some of the numerical information gets blocked, you can click and drag the nodes to make things easier to read. Changing the appearance does not change the underlying problem you are trying to solve.

Final note: Click here for the Java Applet version of the same tool.