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M27 - The Dumbbell Nebula

From the author of   Welcome to the Universe in 3D

Sept. 15, 2022.
ZWO ASI2400MC-Pro with L-Extreme filter on 10" RCOS at f/9.
Total Exposure time: 80 minutes (unguided 30-second subexposures).

Click here for much 'liked' posting to the Astrophotography group on Facebook.

Image from 2016 with color calibrated using PixInsight's PhotometricColorCalibration tool.

Animated GIF showing pics taken on 2016 and 2018. Note the two blinking red stars.
The python code:

Below are earlier versions of things.

Oct 1, 2018.
Starlight Express Trius-SX694 on 10" RCOS at f/9.
Guide camera: Lodestar X2. Guide Software: PHD2.
Hα = 48 min, O-III = 50 min
R = Hα, G = O-III, B = O-III (guided 2-minute subexposures).
Richardson-Lucy deconv, Gamma Stretch.

Aug 6, 2016.
Starlight Express Trius-SX694 on 10" RCOS at f/9.
Guide camera: Lodestar X2. Guide Software: PHD2.
Hα = 90 min, O-III = 80 min
R = Hα, G = O-III, B = O-III (guided 10-minute subexposures).
Richardson-Lucy deconv, Log Stretch.

August 06, 2016 and May 16, 2016 and May 09, 2016 and Aug 14, 2015 and July 23, 2006.
Starlight Express Trius-SX694 and SXV-H9 on 10" RCOS at f/9.
Hα = 222 min, O-III = 312 min
R = Hα, G = O-III, B = O-III (guided 10-minutes, 6-minute and 4-minute subexposures).
Richardson-Lucy deconv, Log-Log Stretch and Stretch in Photoshop.

21:26 EDT Aug 14, 2015 and 21:14 EDT July 23, 2006.
Starlight Express SXV-H9 on 10" RCOS at f/9.
Hα = 120 min, O-III = 168 min
R = Hα, G = O-III, B = O-III (guided 4-minute subexposures).
Richardson-Lucy deconv, Neat Image, Stretch in Photoshop.

Click picture above for larger version
If the picture seems too bright or too dark, try adjusting the brightness below.

Brightness: |   

Best processing.

Less aggressive processing.

Darker background (might look better in a darker room).

21:14 EDT July 23, 2006.
Starlight Express SXV-H9 on 10" RCOS at f/9.
Hα = 64 min, O-III = 96 min
L = Hα+OIII, R = Hα, G = O-III, B = O-III (guided 4-minute subexposures).
Richardson-Lucy deconv, Gamma stretch.

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