Starquest 2002 Advanced Challenge:

Globulars Galore

The images on this page were taken during Starquest 2002, which was held June 7-8, 2002, in Hope NJ.

All astrophotos taken with a 3.5" Questar at f/16 and a Starlight Express MX-916 CCD camera.

All images are stacks of 25 6-second exposures.
Processed in MaximDL with "Digital Development".

Click on a thumbnail for full-sized image.
Run mouse over thumbnail for NGC and Messier numbers.

NGC5024 M53 NGC5053 NGC5272 M3 NGC5904 M5 NGC6093 M80 NGC6121 M4 NGC6171 M107
NGC6205 M13 NGC6218 M12 NGC6229 NGC6235 NGC6254 M10 NGC6273 M19 NGC6333 M9
NGC6341 M92 NGC6342 NGC6356 NGC6402 M14 NGC6626 M28 NGC6656 M22 NGC6712
NGC6779 M56 NGC6838 M71 NGC6934 NGC7006 NGC7078 M15

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