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La Palma in the Canary Islands

Roque de los Muchachos Observatory

Heart of the Milky Way.
Image acquired by Bernhard Schoelkopf.
Mouse over image for annotation.
Scorpio from LaPalma

Looking east atop La Palma in the Canary Islands.
15 images. Exposure=32.0 sec each, f/3.5, ISO=1600, fl=18.0mm, 2:59-3:04am local time.
Images binned 4x4 in software and stacked using RegiStar.
Mouse over image for annotation.
Lyra and Cygnus from LaPalma

The Coathanger asterim (Collinder 399) is seen peaking above the secondary mirror structure of the Magic-1 telescope in the picture above.
Here are two full-size closeups of it---both the raw stack of 50 images and a deconvolved version to reduce the star trailing:
Coathanger with star trails Coathanger deconvolved
And here's a deconvolved close-up of the Double-Double epsilon-Lyrae:
epsLyrae deconvolved

Looking north.
30 images. Exposure=30.0 sec each, f/3.5, ISO=1600, fl=18.0mm
Images binned 4x4 in software and stacked using RegiStar.
Mouse over image for annotation.
Click here for full-size version.
Lyra and Cygnus from LaPalma

Photo same night by Edgar Klenske. Click image for full-sized version.
Edgar's photo

Movie (110 frames):

Star Trails.

Star Trails Above Polaris

Star Trails Centered on Polaris

Star Trails in the East

On the way to the summit...

La Palma Caldera