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Lunar Eclipse of Nov 8, 2003

20:06-20:11 EST Nov 8, 2003.
Starlight Express MX-916 on 3.5" Questar at F/6.6
R = 10x2sec, G = 10x2sec, B = 10x2sec
Unsharp mask and Log stretch

Stretched to show occultation of mag. 8.47 star HD18432.
Ten images with red filter appear as a "streak" followed by ten images with green filter.
First image with blue filter (taken at 20:11:03+/-00:00:04 EST) still shows the star
but in the next blue image taken 8 seconds later the star is occulted.

Animated gif highlighting Earth's shadow
Twenty-seven stacks of 10 images each 10 minutes apart.

Click here for full sized gif

And here's a movie of the whole event.
Twenty-seven stacks of 10 images each 10 minutes apart.
Click here for the movie

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