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M42 -- The Great Orion Nebula

Starlight Express MX-916 on 3.5" Questar at f/5.5.
October 24, 2003 (Stella-Della XVII).
L=R+G+B, R(Ha)=30m, G=B(O-III)=36m, (in 6-min increments).
Log stretch and Star Debloat and Photoshop tweaks.

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Starlight Express MX-916 on 3.5" Questar w/ Meade 0.33x FR.
January 11, 2003.
L=(RGB), R=30m, G=30m, B=30m minute exposures (in 6-min increments).
Richardson-Lucy deconv, Digital Development (med 200) and Photoshop Curves.

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