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Mercury Transit of 2016

Montgomery NJ

Overlay of images taken at: 7:20, 7:54, 8:29, 8:57, 9:27, 10:01, 10:34, 11:10, 11:45, 12:01, 12:47, 13:12, 14:19

A single 1/1250-second exposure (ISO 1600) taken at 11:10am EDT using my 3.5" Questar and a Baader solar filter (false color).

Full-frame quarter-sized picture

Cropped full-sized picture

Note: Click on image for full-frame full-sized picture.

First picture taken at moment of ingress (7:11am)

Me and my Questar

Early morning was cold but no wind

Scroll right full panorama ==>

Midday was sunny and warm but winds were gusting to 25 mph

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