Michael Strauss, Princeton University

Large-scale astronomical surveys: Scientific Opportunities and Data Challenges
Oct 6, 2023, 2:30 pm3:00 pm
Computer Science 105


Michael Strauss
Princeton University


Event Description

New discoveries in astronomy are often driven by major large-scale surveys of the sky.  Astronomy has long been at the forefront of the “Big Data” wave: the next generation of sky surveys will generate petabytes of data and measure the properties of billions of stars, galaxies, quasars, and asteroids.   The optimization of the surveys themselves (e.g., questions as seemingly simple as “where do I point my telescope next?”) and the statistical tools to extract scientific information from these enormous datasets have led to increasing synergy between astronomers, statisticians, and computer scientists.  I will discuss some of the most important large astronomical surveys of the 2020’s, including the Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time and the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope: what are the important scientific questions they are designed to address, and how modern statistical tools are being used to gain fundamentally new scientific insights.