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DSLR & iPhone Photographs

Slo-Mo video of lightning taken July 22, 2020


Sunset as seen from our driveway at 5:15pm, Jan. 29, 2022

Click on image for larger version.


Sunrise as seen from our deck at 6:55am, Mar. 16, 2021

Click on image for larger version.


Orion Constellation taken with my iPhoneX at 6:18am, Oct. 19, 2021.

Click on image for larger version.


Moon, Venus, Saturn, and Airplane picture taken with iPhone-X at 5:37pm, Nov. 29, 2019

Mouse over for annotated version.

Moon, Venus, and Saturn

Moon, Venus, and Spica picture taken with iPhone-X at 6:30am, Dec. 4, 2018

Mouse over for annotated version.

Moon, Venus, and Spica

Lightning, August 13, 2016

Click on image for full-sized version.









Lightning, July 28, 2014




Fair Weather Cumulus Clouds, 2015

Click here for dedicated page.

Southern Cross (Crux) from Krabi Thailand, 2014

Click on image for full-sized version.
Stack of 16 1/4-second exposures. Hand held---no tripod.



Perseid Meteor Shower, 2012

Lots of stars; one plane; no meteors!
Star Trails

Long Beach Island, 2012

Sunrise on August 2 (note inferior mirage).
Lyra and Cygnus from LaPalma

A few minutes earlier.
Lyra and Cygnus from LaPalma

Inferior mirage.
Inferior Mirage

Full Moon rising.
Full Moon

One of many seagulls.

Sunset over the bay.

Click on image for more pictures from La Palma.
Lyra and Cygnus from LaPalma

On March 6, 2012, I took this picture of Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury setting in the west at 6:51 pm. Exposure=10.0sec, f/3.5, ISO=400, fl=18.0mm.
And, at 6:01 pm, I took this picture of the almost full moon rising in the east:

On February 27, 2012, I took this picture of Mercury and a jet's contrail at 5:44 pm (right at sunset).

On February 27, 2012, I took this picture of the Moon, Jupiter, and a 737 at 5:44 pm (right at sunset).

On February 27, 2012, I took this picture of the Moon, Jupiter, and Venus at 5:45 pm (right at sunset). Mouse over image for labels.

On February 26, 2012, I took this picture of the Moon, Venus (lower right), and Jupiter (left of Moon) at 6:10 pm (shortly after sunset).
Moon, Venus, Jupiter
Click here for a larger version.

On March 19, 2011, I took this picture of a Mercury and Jupiter setting in the west just after sunset. (Move mouse over image for pointers.)
Jupiter and Mercury
Click here for full-size version.

On March 8, 2011, I took this sequence of pictures of a the Space Shuttle (mission STS-133, second to last) as it flew by the Moon (1/60-th second exposures, 5 seconds apart, ISO 400).
Space Shuttle Moon

On the night of February 23, 2011, I took these pictures lookin out my bedroom window. (Click on image for full-sized version.)
Stats: ISO=400, exp. time=2 min., focal length = 18 mm, f-stop = f/4.5.
From 10:15pm to 1:45am. Lots of aircraft heading to/from NYC.
Star Trails
From 0:36am to 1:41am. No aircraft during this hour-long interval.
Star Trails

On the night of February 22, 2011, I took this picture lookin out my bedroom window.
Star Trails

On June 2, 2010, I took this picture of a 22 degree solar halo in Sunspot NM.
Solar Halo

On July 11, 2002, I had a picnic at my house. An hour or two before sunset, we saw a rare event---a rainbow straight over head. Actually, such a thing is correctly refered to as a circumzenithal arc. Coincidentally, Richard Gott was not at the picnic but saw the same event and took pictures of it:
Circumzenithal arc
Circumzenithal arc
Circumzenithal arc

On July 5, 2008, I took this picture of the Sun setting over Lake Michigan:
Circumzenithal arc
This picture might not seem like much. But, in fact I was able to use it to show that the Earth is not flat. Details are here: